Results for 'Paola Indira Grande Tolentino'

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  1.  18
    Perfil de la fluidez del habla en niños de 8 y 9 años en Santa Anita.David Parra Reyes & Paola Indira Grande Tolentino - 2019 - Alétheia: Revista Académica de la Escuela de Postgrado de la Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón-Unifé 7:45-52.
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  2. Best Practices.Inmaculada Arnedillo-Sánchez, Marco Arrigo, Freida Crehan, Paola Dal Grande, Onofrio Di Giuseppe, Robert Farrow, Giovanni Fulantelli, Andras Gabor, Manuel Gentile, Gabor Kismihok & Others - 2010 - .
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    La grande arnaque l'expropriation de la sexualité des femmes.Paola Tabet & Josée Contreras - 2001 - Actuel Marx 30 (2):131-152.
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    Tres grandes enigmas de los sesgos cognitivos.Jonatan García-Campos, Saúl Sarabia-López & Paola Hernández-Chávez - 2022 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 22:99-125.
    En este trabajo ofrecemos un panorama al estudio de los sesgos. El creciente interés en ellos durante las últimas décadas radica en que estudiarlos implica hablar de cómo los seres humanos razonamos y emitimos juicios, e igualmente sobre los mecanismos y procesos que subyacen a tales capacidades, esto incluye entender cuándo y por qué frecuentemente nos equivocamos, como lo indica buena parte de la literatura en psicología cognitiva del razonamiento. Dada la existencia de los sesgos, han surgido posturas pesimistas que (...)
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    Do We Take Notice of All Our Mental Acts?Paola Nicolas - 2023 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 4:17-38.
    Le but de cet article est de souligner la contribution de certaines des plus grandes figures de la scolastique tardive au débat sur la nature et les limites de la conscience. On verra comment les disciples Thomas d’Aquin introduisent un nouveau concept, celui d’ advertentia spécifiquement conçu pour caractériser l’accès cognitif privilégié que nous avons à nos propres actes mentaux. Les dominicains du XVI e siècle adoptent à ce titre une position très proche de celle de Descartes, du moins d’un (...)
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    Tra tante teorie una sola musica: un viaggio storico-filosofico per indagare il variegato universo dell'arte dei suoni.Paola Chillemi - 2021 - Varese (Italy): Zecchini editore.
    Una ricca e appassionata ricostruzione di idee, concetti e teorie, legate allo straordinario mondo dei suoni, traghettano il lettore a rivivere la travolgente enfasi data alla musica nel corso dei secoli. L'attento lavoro di ricerca effettuato dall'autrice e la grande mole dei riscontri bibliografici permettono di cogliere significati più ricchi di senso e di approcciarsi ad una più autentica esperienza dello straordinario 'fluire' d'ogni fenomeno sonoro. Il libro, attraverso una preziosa carrellata di autori diversi nel tempo e nello spazio, (...)
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    «Utrum propositio mentalis componitur ex rebus vel ex conceptibus» un dibattito tra ockham E Burleigh.Paola Müller - 1997 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 42 (3):659-669.
    Nos séculos XIII e XIV há um grande aprofundamento da lógica, salientando-se, entre outros autores, Guilherme de Ockam e Walter Burleigh. Entre estes dois autores há um debate a respeito da composição das proposições, perguntando-se qual a relação entre as proposições verbais e escritas e seus contrapontos mentais.
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    Book Review: Cinema and gender studies: society, identity and styles of representation in the golden age of hollywood. Veronica Pravadelli, La grande Hollywood. Stili di vita e di regia nel cinema classico americano: [The Great Hollywood] Styles of directing and lifestyles in American classical cinema, Marsilio: Venezia, 2007, 287 pp., ISBN 978-88-3179220-2. [REVIEW]Antonietta Buonauro & Paola Bono - 2010 - European Journal of Women's Studies 17 (4):431-433.
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    Paola TABET, La grande arnaque. Sexualité des femmes et échange économico-sexuel, Paris, L’Harmattan, Bibliothèque du féminisme, 2004, 207 p. [REVIEW]Félicie Drouilleau - 2005 - Clio 22:23-23.
    Ethnologue, spécialiste des rapports sociaux de sexe et du racisme, Paola Tabet est notamment l’auteure de La construction sociale de l’inégalité des sexes. Des outils et des corps paru aux éditions l’Harmattan en 1998. La promptitude, toute remarquable, avec laquelle La grande arnaque. Sexualité des femmes et échange économico-sexuel aura été traduit en français, tout comme l’introduction rapide et unanime de cet ouvrage, témoigne en elle même de la renommée dont jouit l’ethnologue italienn...
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    La renta ambiental de los bosques.Pablo Campos Palacín, Alejandro Caparrós Grass, José L. Oviedo Pro & Paola Ovando Pol - 2008 - Arbor 184 (729):57-69.
    El objetivo de este artículo es presentar una medición de la renta ambiental en dos tipos de bosques privados representativos españoles, como son los alcornocales del Parque Natural Los Alcornocales (Cádiz y Málaga) y los pinares de silvestre de la Sierra de Guadarrama (Madrid y Segovia). Con este objetivo también se pretende contribuir a los debates técnico y político sobre la necesidad de que los gobiernos regulen la aplicación de las cuentas ambientales integradas de los bosques europeos. La medición de (...)
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    Jean-Louis GUERENA, La prostitución en la España contemporánea, Madrid, Marcial Pons Historia, Estudios, 2003, 471 p.Félicie Drouilleau - 2005 - Clio 22:24-24.
    Ethnologue, spécialiste des rapports sociaux de sexe et du racisme, Paola Tabet est notamment l’auteure de La construction sociale de l’inégalité des sexes. Des outils et des corps paru aux éditions l’Harmattan en 1998. La promptitude, toute remarquable, avec laquelle La grande arnaque. Sexualité des femmes et échange économico-sexuel aura été traduit en français, tout comme l’introduction rapide et unanime de cet ouvrage, témoigne en elle même de la renommée dont jouit l’ethnologue italienn...
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  12. La grande storia dell'Artigianato, vol. I.Grande Storia Dell'artiganato - forthcoming - Medioevo.
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    Widening the Evaluative Space for Ecosystem Services: A Taxonomy of Plural Values and Valuation Methods.Paola Arias-Arévalo, Erik Gómez-Baggethun, Berta Martín-López & Mario Pérez-Rincón - 2018 - Environmental Values 27 (1):29-53.
    Researchers working in the field of ecosystem services (ES) have long acknowledged the importance of recognising multiple values in ecosystems and biodiversity. Yet the operationalisation of value pluralism in ES assessments remains largely elusive. The aim of this research is to present a taxonomy of values and valuation methods to widen the evaluative space for ES. First, we present our preanalytic positions in regards to the values and valuation of ES. Second, we review different value definitions that we deem relevant (...)
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  14. Political corruption.Emanuela Ceva & Maria Paola Ferretti - 2017 - Philosophy Compass 12 (12):e12461.
    The corruption of public officials and institutions is generally regarded as wrong. But in what exactly does this form of corruption consist and what kind of wrong does it imply? This article aims to take stock of the current philosophical discussion of the different senses in which political corruption is wrong in a general sense, beyond the specific negative legal, economic, and social costs it may happen to have in specific circumstances. Political corruption is usually presented as a pathology of (...)
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  15. Political corruption, individual behaviour and the quality of institutions.Emanuela Ceva & Maria Paola Ferretti - 2017 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 17 (2):216-231.
    Is the corrupt behaviour of public officials a politically relevant kind of wrong only when it causes the malfunctioning of institutions? We challenge recent institutionalist approaches to political corruption by showing a sense in which the individual corrupt behaviour of certain public officials is wrong not only as a breach of personal morality but in inherently politically salient terms. To show this sense, we focus on a specific instance of individual corrupt behaviour on the part of public officials entrusted with (...)
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    Political Corruption: The Internal Enemy of Public Institutions.Emanuela Ceva & Maria Paola Ferretti - 2021 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    "This book discusses political corruption and anticorruption as a matter of a public ethics of office. It shows how political corruption is the Trojan horse that undermines public institutions from within via the interrelated action of the officeholders. Even well-designed and legitimate institutions may go off track if the officeholders fail to uphold by their conduct a public ethics of office accountability. Most current discussions of what political corruption is and why it is wrong have concentrated either on explaining and (...)
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  17. How to water a thousand flowers. On the logic of logical pluralism.Andrea Sereni & Maria Paola Sforza Fogliani - 2017 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy:1-24.
    How many logics do logical pluralists adopt, or are allowed to adopt, or ought to adopt, in arguing for their view? These metatheoretical questions lurk behind much of the discussion on logical pluralism, and have a direct bearing on normative issues concerning the choice of a correct logic and the characterization of valid reasoning. Still, they commonly receive just swift answers – if any. Our aim is to tackle these questions head on, by clarifying the range of possibilities that logical (...)
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  18. For Better and for Worse. Abstractionism, Good Company, and Pluralism.Andrea Sereni, Maria Paola Sforza Fogliani & Luca Zanetti - 2023 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (1):268-297.
    A thriving literature has developed over logical and mathematical pluralism – i.e. the views that several rival logical and mathematical theories can be equally correct. These have unfortunately grown separate; instead, they both could gain a great deal by a closer interaction. Our aim is thus to present some novel forms of abstractionist mathematical pluralism which can be modeled on parallel ways of substantiating logical pluralism (also in connection with logical anti-exceptionalism). To do this, we start by discussing the Good (...)
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    Why public participation in risk regulation? The case of authorizing GMO products in the European Union.Maria Paola Ferretti - 2007 - Science as Culture 16 (4).
    In recent years there has been renewed interest in the participation of lay people in regulatory procedures. The debate peaked in the 1980s with the anti-nuclear movements and again more recently as a reaction to the food scandals of the mid-1990s. In the wake of the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) crisis there has been a proliferation of European Community rules on the production, processing and retailing of food products, along with the multiplication of scientific committees in order to cope with (...)
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    The Hero in the Mirror: From Fear to Fortitude.Sue Grand - 2009 - Routledge.
    In times of stress, trauma and crisis—whether on a personal or global scale—it can be all too easy for us to externalize a larger-than-life figure who can assuage our suffering, a Hero who comes to the fore even as we recede into the background. In taking on our collective burden, however, such an omnipotent Hero can actually undermine us, representing as it does the very same characteristics we fail to note in one another. By granting the Hero to power to (...)
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    The Concepts of Work and Decent Work in Relationship With Self-Efficacy and Career Adaptability: Research With Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Adolescence.Andrea Zammitti, Paola Magnano & Giuseppe Santisi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The way people make career choices is often influenced by their idea of work. Alongside this concept, there is the idea of decent work, which takes the form of the opportunity, for men and women, to have productive, equal, safe, and rights-based work. We have conducted a study on these two concepts with a group of Italian adolescents, using both quantitative and qualitative methods. We found that most of the participants consider work as a means to obtain economic benefits and (...)
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    A sharpened version of McAloon's theorem on initial segments of models of IΔ0.Paola D'Aquino - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 61 (1):49-62.
    A generalization is given of McAloon's result on initial segments ofmodels of GlΔ0, the fragment of Peano Arithmetic where the induction scheme is restricted to formulas with bounded quantifiers.
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  23. Equity Versus Efficiency: The Elusive Trade-Off.Julian Le Grand - 1990 - Ethics 100 (3):554-.
  24. The Ethics of Anti-Corruption Policies.Emanuela Ceva & Maria Paola Ferretti - 2019 - In Andrei Poama & Annabelle Lever, Routledge Handbook of Ethics and Public Policy. Routledge.
    The corruption of public officials and institutions is one of the most obvious problems that affects developed and developing countries alike. Because this view is largely shared, most current studies of this phenomenon—‘political corruption’—have been dedicated either to measuring or counteracting the negative political, social, and economic effects that this form of corruption may have in society. Albeit significant and urgent, these studies have distracted the attention of commentators from a somewhat more basic analysis of the nature and wrongness of (...)
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    The Mediating Role of Romantic Attachment in the Relationship Between Attachment to Parents and Aggression.Alessandra Santona, Paola De Cesare, Giacomo Tognasso, Massimo De Franceschi & Andrea Sciandra - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  26. Liberal Democratic Institutions and the Damages of Political Corruption.Emanuela Ceva & Maria Paola Ferretti - 2014 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 9 (1):126-145.
    This article contributes to the debate concerning the identification of politically relevant cases of corruption in a democracy by sketching the basic traits of an original liberal theory of institutional corruption. We define this form of corruption as a deviation with respect to the role entrusted to people occupying certain institutional positions, which are crucial for the implementation of public rules, for private gain. In order to illustrate the damages that corrupt behaviour makes to liberal democratic institutions, we discuss the (...)
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  27. Ibn Sina and Husserl on intention and intentionality.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino - 2004 - Philosophy East and West 54 (1):71-82.
    : The concepts of intention and intentionality were particularly significant notions within the Christian, Jewish, and Islamic medieval philosophical traditions, and they regained philosophical importance in the twentieth century. The theories of intention and intentionality of the medieval Islamic philosopher and physician Ibn Sina and the phenomenological philosopher and mathematician Edmund Husserl are examined, compared, and contrasted here, showing that Ibn Sina's conception of intention is naturalistic and, in its naturalism, is influenced by the medical professional culture to which Ibn (...)
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  28. Hiroshi Kojima's phenomenological ontology.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino - 2008 - Philosophy East and West 58 (2):163-189.
    : In his book Monad and Thou: Phenomenological Ontology of the Human Being, Japanese philosopher Hiroshi Kojima proposes to redefine the I-Thou relation, first extensively investigated by Martin Buber, and to reconcile the notions of ‘individuality’ and ‘community’ in terms of his new phenomenological ontology of the human being as monad. In this essay, Kojima’s ideas are examined concerning the monad and intersubjectivity, and it is shown how these ideas can be extended and brought to bear on issues concerning human (...)
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    Board demographics and performance: evidence from European Union banks.Cristina Gonnella, Paola Ferretti & Pierluigi Martino - 2024 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1).
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  30. Husserl's theory of language as calculus ratiocinator.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino - 1997 - Synthese 112 (3):303-321.
    This paper defends an interpretation of Husserl''s theory of language, specifically as it appears in the Logical Investigations, as an example of a larger body of theories dubbed ''language as calculus''. Although this particular interpretation has been previously defended by other authors, such as Hintikka and Kusch, this paper proposes to contribute to the discussion by arguing that what makes this interpretation plausible are Husserl''s distinction between the notions of meaning-intention and meaning-fulfillment, his view that meaning is instantiated through meaning-intending (...)
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    A Valuation Theoretic Characterization of Recursively Saturated Real Closed Fields.Paola D’Aquino, Salma Kuhlmann & Karen Lange - 2015 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 80 (1):194-206.
    We give a valuation theoretic characterization for a real closed field to be recursively saturated. This builds on work in [9], where the authors gave such a characterization forκ-saturation, for a cardinal$\kappa \ge \aleph _0 $. Our result extends the characterization of Harnik and Ressayre [7] for a divisible ordered abelian group to be recursively saturated.
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    Subaltern rhetoric on Conceição Evaristo’s Poemas da recordação e outros movimentos. Subjetivity that states and display the differences throughout the voice and Afro-Brazilian’s women body.Paola Lizana-Miranda - 2023 - Alpha (Osorno) 56:107-125.
    Resumen: En el presente análisis proponemos una lectura del poemario Poemas da recordação e outros movimentos(2008) de Conceição Evaristo desde una perspectiva de la retórica subalterna, entendiendo lo anterior como la emergencia literaria de otras formas subjetivas. En este sentido afirmamos que en el poemario en análisis la subjetividad de la hablante se construye mediante la voz y el cuerpo femenino, afirmando la diferencia como sustento subjetivo. Abstract: In this analysis it is proposed a reading of the poetry collection of (...)
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    Validating the Italian Version of the Disgust and Propensity Scale-Revised.Riccardo M. Martoni, Paola M. V. Rancoita, Clelia Di Serio & Chiara Brombin - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  34. HIV-positive status and preservation of privacy: a recent decision from the Italian Data Protection Authority on the procedure of gathering personal patient data in the dental office.Adelaide Conti, Paola Delbon, Laura Laffranchi, Corrado Paganelli & Francesco De Ferrari - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (6):386-388.
    The processing of sensitive information in the health field is subject to rigorous standards that guarantee the protection of information confidentiality. Recently, the Italian Data Protection Authority (Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali) stated their formal opinion on a standard procedure in dental offices involving the submission of a questionnaire that includes the patient's health status. HIV infection status is included on the form. The Authority has stated that all health data collection must be in accordance with the current (...)
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    Cinema Em Crise. Sobre "o Bandido da Luz Vermelha", de Rogério Sganzerla.Mateus José Lannes Tolentino - forthcoming - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista.
    Um criminoso desconcerta a polícia paulistana ao utilizar técnicas peculiares de ação auxiliado sempre por uma lanterna vermelha. Como assaltante de residências possui as vítimas, trava longos diálogos com elas e protagoniza fugas ousadas para depois gastar o fruto do roubo de maneira extravagante. Perseguido e encurralado, encontra no suicídio a saída para sua extensa e mal-afamada carreira de crimes.
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    Beyond Cartesian Mechanicism: Robert Boyle's Mechanical Philosophy.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino - 2022 - Jargonium.
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    Politica dell’algoritmo: tecnologie, poteri, teorie.Isabella Consolati & Paola Rudan - 2024 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 36 (70):5-13.
    L’introduzione alla sezione monografica _Politica dell’algoritmo: tecnologie, poteri, teorie_, prende in esame il nesso tra tecnologia e politica a partire dal modo in cui la prima, e in particolare le tecnologie guidate dagli algoritmi, ha investito irreversibilmente le coordinate istituzionali e sociali entro le quali si è costituito il canone politico moderno, attivando una soglia storica nella quale mutano le forme dei rapporti sociali di dominio, si determinano le possibilità della loro contestazione da parte di uomini e donne che sono (...)
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    Estrategias habitacionales de mujeres venezolanas en Chile. Obstáculos, desafíos y resistencias.Elizabeth Zenteno Torres, Paola Contreras Hernández & Macarena Trujillo Cristoffanini - 2023 - Arbor 199 (807):s697.
    El fenómeno migratorio en Chile ha presentado patrones cambiantes durante los últimos años. Focalizado especialmente en la migración proveniente desde Venezuela, el presente artículo tiene por objetivo comprender el proceso de búsqueda y asentamiento residencial de mujeres venezolanas en Chile. Para ello se realizaron entrevistas cualitativas en Valparaíso y Viña del Mar, a través de las cuales se recabaron las principales dificultades que ellas deben atravesar para acceder a la vivienda, que se transforman en imbricados procesos de racialización y feminización. (...)
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    Teaching & learning guide for political corruption.Emanuela Ceva & Maria Paola Ferretti - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (4):e12499.
    The Guide offers some ideas concerning readings, topics, and seminar prompts for a philosophy course on political corruption.
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    Lady Ranelagh’s contributions to early modern science.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino - forthcoming - Metascience:1-4.
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    Robert Boyle and the relational and dispositional nature of chemical properties.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino - 2022 - Foundations of Chemistry 24 (3):423-431.
    This paper establishes that Robert Boyle’s complex chemical ontology implies a non-reductionistic conception of chemical qualities and, more specifically, a conception of chemical qualities as being dispositional and relational. Though Peter Anstey has already shown that that Boyle considered sensible qualities to be dispositional and relational, this moves beyond Anstey’s work by extending his arguments to chemical properties. These arguments are, however, merely a first step in establishing a non-reductionistic interpretation of Boyle’s chemical ontology. A further argument will show that (...)
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    The Body in the Phenomenologies of Kojima and Aurobindo.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino - 2010 - CLR James Journal 16 (1):5-16.
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  43. The Chemical Philosophy of Robert Boyle: Mechanicism, Chymical Atoms, and Emergence.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino - 2020 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    This book examines the way in which Robert Boyle seeks to accommodate his complex chemical philosophy within the framework of a mechanistic theory of matter. More specifically, the book proposes that Boyle regards chemical qualities as properties that emerged from the mechanistic structure of chymical atoms. Within Boyle’s chemical ontology, chymical atoms are structured concretions of particles that Boyle regards as chemically elementary entities, that is, as chemical wholes that resist experimental analysis. Although this interpretation of Boyle’s chemical philosophy has (...)
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  44. The Microcosm/Macrocosm Analogy in Ibn Sina and Husserl.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino - 2006 - In Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Islamic philosophy and occidental phenomenology on the perennial Issue of microcosm and macrocosm. Dordrecht: Springer.
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    Sobre las ciencias de la experiencia. Los Hermanos Cristianos y la consolidación del orden clásico del saber.Paola Andrea Benavides Gómez - 2015 - Universitas Philosophica 32 (65):191-222.
    In the summer of 1995, Santiago Castro-Gómez wrote a convincing text entitled Critique of Latin American Reason, and continued Roberto Salazar-Ramos’ work‒who also took part in The Group of Bogotá, responsible for institutionalizing the project of Latin American Philosophy in Colombia‒in order to show how the creation of “The Latin American” was possible through the operation of a series of discourses. Rather than an a priori, the category of “The Latin American” is defined by Castro-Gómez as the effect of a (...)
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    Tempi seriali: l'audiovisivo tra estetica, semiotica e teoria del cinema.Dario Cecchi, Paola Dalla Torre & Riccardo Finocchi (eds.) - 2021 - Roma: Castelvecchi.
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    Correlates of Acceptance of Wealth Inequality: A Moderated Mediation Model.Grand H.-L. Cheng, Darius K.-S. Chan & Dannii Y. Yeung - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Wealth inequality is a prevalent social issue. The present study focuses on acceptance of wealth inequality, and considers personal income, perceived upward mobility, and future time perspective as its antecedents, and collective action intention as its outcome. With reference to the social identity literature and socioemotional selectivity theory, we posit a conditional indirect effect of income on collective action intention through acceptance of wealth inequality: only when mobility and future time perspective are relatively high, higher income is associated with higher (...)
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    Food Ethics Education.Rui Costa & Paola Pittia (eds.) - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    Although many consider professional ethics in the food supply chain an essential topic that should be covered in any degree program, few higher education institutions currently include a module on ethics in their study programs. Instead, ethics is taught in tandem to the core curriculum and is often embedded in the contents of other modules rather than treated as a subject in its own right. Ethics, however, is important enough to warrant a different teaching and educational approach. This book provides (...)
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  49. Verga e il cinema: il caso di Cavalleria Rusticana.Paola Dalla Torre - 2005 - Studium 101 (6):931-941.
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    A note on the decidability of exponential terms.Paola D'Aquino & Giuseppina Terzo - 2007 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 53 (3):306-310.
    In this paper we prove, modulo Schanuel's Conjecture, that there are algorithms which decide if two exponential polynomials in π are equal in ℝ and if two exponential polynomials in π and i coincide in ℂ.
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